Comm 355

My name is Cara Ferguson and I am doing this blog for Comm 355.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Artifact Paper

1) How do you feel this paper turned out?
I liked it actually. I thought it turned out better than I was expecting it to be.

2) Did you accomplish what you set out to do in the description?
I did accomplish what I set to do in the description. My goal was to complete it and have someone understand the premise of the show. I had my boyfriend read it, and he said he understood the premise of the show from it, which to me means that I must have at least described it decently.

3) Do you feel like there is something that you should have described in more detail?
I think the themes could be worked out better. I was a little confused on this part on what an actual theme actually was.

4) What are the three biggest strengths of this essay?
1) The character descriptions in general
2) The amount of themes I came up with
3) The variety of themes I came up with

5) What do you think are two of its weaknesses?
1) The fact that all the themes do not involve all the characters
2) That my themes go from a normal theme to a "versus" theme, which some can see as confusing.

6) What would you like your reviewers to focus on?
Probably if they understand the premise of the show from the paper. How could I describe it better? What would you like to know more about it, that might help you make more sense of the show??


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